54 research outputs found

    Die Spätanämie des Morbus haemolyticus fetalis et neonatorum : Risikofaktoren und Prädiktoren für Verlauf sowie Einfluss auf die Gewichtsentwicklung

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    Fragestellung: Um sowohl einflussnehmende Faktoren und gleichzeitig eine Vorhersage ermöglichende Faktoren den Verlauf der Spätanämie im Verlauf eines Morbus haemolyticus fetalis et neonatorum betreffend zu identifizieren, als auch eventuelle Folgen der Spätanämie bezüglich der Gewichtsentwicklung der Kinder aufzuzeigen, wurde am Perinatalzentrum Bonn (Abteilung für Neonatologie; Direktor Prof. Dr. Dr. P. Bartmann) eine retrospektive Studie durchgeführt.Patienten und Methoden: Das Untersuchungskollektiv stellten dabei 82 Kinder der Geburtenjahrgänge 1995 - 2001, die während dieser Zeit aufgrund eines MHFN behandelt wurden. Die Daten der betroffenen Kinder wurden unter Einbeziehung folgender Parameter analysiert: Zahl der intrauterinen, postnatalen und Austauschtransfusionen, Hämoglobinwerte vor Transfusion, Art der Antikörper, Zahl der Thrombozyten bei Geburt und fetales Hämoglobin (HbF) bei Geburt. Als Indikatoren für den Verlauf bzw. die Dauer der Spätanämie wurden die Faktoren " Zeit in Tagen bis zur letzten Transfusion" und " Zeit in Tagen bis Retikulozyten> 2%" gewählt und mit den vorher genannten Faktoren in Beziehung gesetzt. Für die Erfassung der Gewichtsentwicklung der Kinder wurde zu vier verschiedenen Zeitpunkten bzw. Zeiträumen das Gewicht anhand von Perzentilenwerten erfasst und ebenfalls mit den Indikatoren für die Spätanämie in Beziehung gesetzt. Ergebnisse: Signifikante Ergebnisse ließen sich bezüglich eines positiven Zusammenhanges zwischen Dauer der Spätanämie und Zahl der intrauterinen, postnatalen und der Summe von intrauterinen und postnatalen Transfusionen erkennen. Mit Abnahme des HbF-Wertes der Kinder bei Geburt nahm die Dauer der Spätanämie signifikant zu. Je niedriger der Hb-Wert der Kinder vor den Transfusionen war, desto länger war die Dauer der Spätanämie bei diesen Kindern, ebenfalls signifikant. Bezüglich der übrigen Faktoren ergaben sich nur Tendenzen, die jedoch statistisch nicht signifikant waren. Demnach zeigte sich bei Kindern mit steigender Zahl von Austauschtransfusionen eine abnehmende Dauer der Spätanämie. Die Patienten mit einer Thrombozytopenie von weniger als 150.000 zeigten einen leicht verlängerten Verlauf der Spätanämie. In der Untersuchung des Einflusses des pathogenen Antikörpers zeigte sich der längste Verlauf der Spätanämie bei Kindern mit Anti-Kell- AK-Nachweis. Bei Analyse der Gewichtsentwicklung der betroffenen Kinder zeigten sich insgesamt weitgehend normale Perzentilenwerte mit einer Tendenz zu gering verzögerter Gewichtszunahme mit Zunahme der Dauer der Spätanämie ohne Unterschreiten der Altersnorm

    Multiparametric Characterization of Intracranial Gliomas Using Dynamic [18F]FET-PET and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.

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    Both static and dynamic O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-l-tyrosine-(FET)-PET and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) are useful tools for grading and prognostication in gliomas. However, little is known about the potential of multimodal imaging comprising both procedures. We therefore acquired NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr ratios in multi-voxel MRS as well as FET-PET parameters in 67 glioma patients and determined multiparametric parameter combinations. Using receiver operating characteristics, differentiation between low-grade and high-grade glioma was possible by static FET-PET (area under the curve (AUC) 0.86, p = 0.001), time-to-peak (TTP; AUC 0.79, p = 0.049), and using the Cho/Cr ratio (AUC 0.72, p = 0.039), while the multimodal analysis led to improved discrimination with an AUC of 0.97 (p = 0.001). In order to distinguish glioblastoma from non-glioblastoma, MRS (NAA/Cr ratio, AUC 0.66, p = 0.031), and dynamic FET-PET (AUC 0.88, p = 0.001) were superior to static FET imaging. The multimodal analysis increased the accuracy with an AUC of 0.97 (p < 0.001). In the survival analysis, PET parameters, but not spectroscopy, were significantly correlated with overall survival (OS, static PET p = 0.014, TTP p = 0.012), still, the multiparametric analysis, including MRS, was also useful for the prediction of OS (p = 0.002). In conclusion, FET-PET and MRS provide complementary information to better characterize gliomas before therapy, which is particularly interesting with respect to the increasing use of hybrid PET/MRI for brain tumors

    Sequelae of premature birth in young adults

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    Background and Purpose Qualitative studies about the abnormalities appreciated on routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences in prematurely born adults are lacking. This article aimed at filling this knowledge gap by (1) qualitatively describing routine imaging findings in prematurely born adults, (2) evaluating measures for routine image interpretation and (3) investigating the impact of perinatal variables related to premature birth. Methods In this study two board-certified radiologists assessed T1-weighted and FLAIR-weighted images of 100 prematurely born adults born very preterm (VP <32 weeks) and/or at very low birth weight (VLBW <1500 g) and 106 controls born at full term (FT) (mean age 26.8 ± 0.7 years). The number of white matter lesions (WML) was counted according to localization. Lateral ventricle volume (LVV) was evaluated subjectively and by measurements of Evans’ index (EI) and frontal-occipital-horn ratio (FOHR). Freesurfer-based volumetry served as reference standard. Miscellaneous incidental findings were noted as free text. Results The LVV was increased in 24.7% of VP/VLBW individuals and significantly larger than in FT controls. This was best identified by measurement of FOHR (AUC = 0.928). Ventricular enlargement was predicted by low gestational age (odds ratio: 0.71, 95% CI 0.51–0.98) and presence of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage (odds ratio: 0.26, 95% CI 0.07–0.92). The numbers of deep and periventricular WML were increased while subcortical WMLs were not. Conclusion Enlargement of the LVV and deep and periventricular WMLs are typical sequelae of premature birth that can be appreciated on routine brain MRI. To increase sensitivity of abnormal LVV detection, measurement of FOHR seems feasible in clinical practice

    Prevalence, Enabling Factors, and Clinical Outcome

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    Background: Striatocapsular infarcts (SCIs) are defined as large subcortical infarcts involving the territory of more than one lenticulostriate artery. SCI without concomitant ischemia in the more distal middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory [isolated SCI (iSCI)] has been described as a rare infarct pattern. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of iSCI in patients treated with endovascular thrombectomy (ET), to evaluate baseline and procedural parameters associated with this condition, and to describe the clinical course of iSCI patients. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 206 consecutive patients with an isolated MCA occlusion involving the lenticulostriate arteries and treated with ET was performed. Baseline patient and procedural characteristics and ischemic involvement of the striatocapsular and distal MCA territory [iSCI, as opposed to non-isolated SCI (niSCI)] were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression models. Prevalence of iSCI was assessed, and clinical course was determined with the rates of substantial neurological improvement and good functional short- and mid-term outcome (discharge/day 90 Modified Rankin Scale ≤2). Results: iSCI was detected in 53 patients (25.7%), and niSCI was detected in 153 patients (74.3%). Successful reperfusion [thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (TICI) 2b/3] [adjusted odds ration (aOR) 8.730, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.069–71.308] and good collaterals (aOR 2.100, 95% CI 1.119–3.944) were associated with iSCI. In successfully reperfused patients, TICI 3 was found to be an additional factor associated with iSCI (aOR 5.282, 1.759–15.859). Patients with iSCI had higher rates of substantial neurological improvement (71.7 vs. 37.9%, p < 0.001) and higher rates of good functional short- and mid-term outcome (58.3 vs. 23.7%, p < 0.001 and 71.4 vs. 41.7%, p < 0.001). However, while iSCI patients, in general, had a more favorable outcome, considerable heterogeneity in outcome was observed. Conclusion: High rates of successful reperfusion (TICI 2b/3) and in particular, complete reperfusion (TICI 3) are associated with iSCIs. The high prevalence of iSCI in successfully reperfused patients with good collaterals corroborates previous concepts of iSCI pathogenesis. iSCI, once considered a rare pattern of cerebral ischemia, is likely to become more prevalent with increases in endovascular stroke therapy. This may have implications for patient rehabilitation and pathophysiological analyses of ischemic damage confined to subcortical regions of the MCA territory

    The carotid plaque imaging in acute stroke (CAPIAS) study:

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    Background: In up to 30% of patients with ischemic stroke no definite etiology can be established. A significant proportion of cryptogenic stroke cases may be due to non-stenosing atherosclerotic plaques or low grade carotid artery stenosis not fulfilling common criteria for atherothrombotic stroke. The aim of the CAPIAS study is to determine the frequency, characteristics, clinical and radiological long-term consequences of ipsilateral complicated American Heart Association lesion type VI (AHA-LT VI) carotid artery plaques in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Methods/Design: 300 patients (age > 49 years) with unilateral DWI-positive lesions in the anterior circulation and non- or moderately stenosing (<70% NASCET) internal carotid artery plaques will be enrolled in the prospective multicenter study CAPIAS. Carotid plaque characteristics will be determined by high-resolution black-blood carotid MRI at baseline and 12 month follow up. Primary outcome is the prevalence of complicated AHA-LT VI plaques in cryptogenic stroke patients ipsilateral to the ischemic stroke compared to the contralateral side and to patients with defined stroke etiology. Secondary outcomes include the association of AHA-LT VI plaques with the recurrence rates of ischemic events up to 36 months, rates of new ischemic lesions on cerebral MRI (including clinically silent lesions) after 12 months and the influence of specific AHA-LT VI plaque features on the progression of atherosclerotic disease burden, on specific infarct patterns, biomarkers and aortic arch plaques. Discussion: CAPIAS will provide important insights into the role of non-stenosing carotid artery plaques in cryptogenic stroke. The results might have implications for our understanding of stroke mechanism, offer new diagnostic options and provide the basis for the planning of targeted interventional studies

    Isolated Striatocapsular Infarcts after Endovascular Treatment of Acute Proximal middle Cerebral Artery Occulusion: Prevalence, Enabling Factors, and Clinical Outcomes

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    Background: Striatocapsular infarcts (SCIs) are defined as large subcortical infarcts involving the territory of more than one lenticulostriate artery. SCI without concomitant ischemia in the more distal middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory [isolated SCI (iSCI)] has been described as a rare infarct pattern. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of iSCI in patients treated with endovascular thrombectomy (ET), to evaluate baseline and procedural parameters associated with this condition, and to describe the clinical course of iSCI patients. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 206 consecutive patients with an isolated MCA occlusion involving the lenticulostriate arteries and treated with ET was performed. Baseline patient and procedural characteristics and ischemic involvement of the striatocapsular and distal MCA territory [iSCI, as opposed to non-isolated SCI (niSCI)] were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression models. Prevalence of iSCI was assessed, and clinical course was determined with the rates of substantial neurological improvement and good functional short-and mid-term outcome (discharge/day 90 Modified Rankin Scale <= 2). Results: iSCI was detected in 53 patients (25.7%), and niSCI was detected in 153 patients (74.3%). Successful reperfusion [thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (TICI) 2b/3] [adjusted odds ration (aOR) 8.730, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.069-71.308] and good collaterals (aOR 2.100, 95% CI 1.119-3.944) were associated with iSCI. In successfully reperfused patients, TICI 3 was found to be an additional factor associated with iSCI (aOR 5.282, 1.759-15.859). Patients with iSCI had higher rates of substantial neurological improvement (71.7 vs. 37.9%, p < 0.001) and higher rates of good functional short-and mid-term outcome (58.3 vs. 23.7%, p < 0.001 and 71.4 vs. 41.7%, p < 0.001). However, while iSCI patients, in general, had a more favorable outcome, considerable heterogeneity in outcome was observed. Conclusion: High rates of successful reperfusion (TICl 2b/3) and in particular, complete reperfusion (TICl 3) are associated with iSCls. The high prevalence iSCl in successfully reperfused patients with good collaterals corroborates previous concepts of iSCl partho-genesis. iSCl, once considered a rare pattern of cerebral ischemia, is likely to become more prevalent with increase in endovascular stroke therapy. This may have implications for patient rehabilitation and pathophysiological analysis of ischemic damage confind to subcortical regions of the MCA territory

    ISLES 2022: A multi-center magnetic resonance imaging stroke lesion segmentation dataset

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important imaging modality in stroke. Computer based automated medical image processing is increasingly finding its way into clinical routine. The Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge is a continuous effort to develop and identify benchmark methods for acute and sub-acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation. Here we introduce an expert-annotated, multicenter MRI dataset for segmentation of acute to subacute stroke lesions (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7153326). This dataset comprises 400 multi-vendor MRI cases with high variability in stroke lesion size, quantity and location. It is split into a training dataset of n = 250 and a test dataset of n = 150. All training data is publicly available. The test dataset will be used for model validation only and will not be released to the public. This dataset serves as the foundation of the ISLES 2022 challenge (https://www.isles-challenge.org/) with the goal of finding algorithmic methods to enable the development and benchmarking of automatic, robust and accurate segmentation methods for ischemic stroke

    ISLES 2022: A multi-center magnetic resonance imaging stroke lesion segmentation dataset.

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important imaging modality in stroke. Computer based automated medical image processing is increasingly finding its way into clinical routine. The Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge is a continuous effort to develop and identify benchmark methods for acute and sub-acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation. Here we introduce an expert-annotated, multicenter MRI dataset for segmentation of acute to subacute stroke lesions ( https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7153326 ). This dataset comprises 400 multi-vendor MRI cases with high variability in stroke lesion size, quantity and location. It is split into a training dataset of n = 250 and a test dataset of n = 150. All training data is publicly available. The test dataset will be used for model validation only and will not be released to the public. This dataset serves as the foundation of the ISLES 2022 challenge ( https://www.isles-challenge.org/ ) with the goal of finding algorithmic methods to enable the development and benchmarking of automatic, robust and accurate segmentation methods for ischemic stroke

    Volume versus standard coils in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms

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    Background Volume coils were developed to improve occlusion rates of intracranial aneurysms. Previous studies have shown increased packing density and comparable occlusion rates, but subgroup analyses of aneurysm size have not been carried out. Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Penumbra Coil 400 (PC400) system in treating intracranial aneurysms compared with standard diameter coils. Methods A monocentric retrospective case review of 260 aneurysms in 233 patients was carried out. In 37 aneurysms the PC400 system was used, while 223 aneurysms were treated with conventional coils. Previously treated aneurysms and aneurysms treated with flow diverters were excluded. Aneurysm and procedure characteristics, packing density, postprocedural and follow-up occlusion grades as well as coil compaction were evaluated. Results Aneurysms treated with PC400 coils had higher volume (218.9 vs 47.1mm(3), p<0.001), wider necks (3.0 vs 2.5mm, p=0.005), and greater dome/neck ratio (2.0 vs 1.6, p=0.001) in comparison with aneurysms treated with conventional coils. Compared with controls, in the PC400 group we achieved higher packing densities (43.2% vs 34.4%, p<0.001;in aneurysms 7mm 42.2% vs 27.8%, p<0.001). On follow-up angiography we observed less coil compaction (23.8% vs 64.3%, p=0.003) and less aneurysm recurrence (14.3% vs 40.5%, p=0.046) in aneurysms 7mm when using the PC400 system. Conclusions Use of the PC400 system as opposed to conventional coils suggests that the PC400 system is safe and effective in treating intracranial aneurysms. Despite having been applied in a potentially more difficult-to-treat group, the use of PC400 was associated with less coil compaction and aneurysm recurrence in aneurysms 7mm
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